Travelling responsibly requires tourists to do what they can to minimise their personal impact on the destination. It involves maximising the benefits and minimising the negative effects of tourism. To do so travelers can consider the following tips to understand responsible travel.

Economic Tips:

  • Always choose local restaurants and facilities so the local community benefit instead of foreign owned companies. Furthermore eat local produce and drink locally made beverages rather than imported brands. 

Environmental Tips
  • Avoid buying souvenirs and products made from endangered plants or animals while travelling
  • Try to minimise your environmental impact by recycling all your rubbish
  • Use local owned hotels and services and eat in locally owned restaurants
  • Use public transport where possible which will help reduce pollution and carbon emissions
  • Be aware of signs for observing wildlife
  • Offset your carbon emissions if flying
  • Use local energy and water efficiently 

Socio-cultural Tips 
    • Be sensitive to host communities, local traditions and cultures
    • Research your destination before leaving home so you aware of appropriate customs, social behaviour, religious practices and so on
    • Learn key phrases in the local language
    • Abide by the laws and regulations of the country you are travelling in
    • Dress appropriately, especially if visiting churches or other places of worship
    • Treat locals with respect
    • Be aware of when and where is appropriate for photography / videos
    • Hire local guides and use locally made products to benefit host communities
